Epixel E-commerce Platform

Commerce Settings

Commerce Settings

Commerce Settings

With this option, we can able to do the full commerce settings within the system. Depending upon our requirement we can able to add features.


Here we have added many features such as

1.Shipping Method

2.Tax Method



5.Commerce Basics

6.Combo Package

7.Sub Package


9.Previous Purchase Deduction






 Here we can add the shipping zone by clicking the "+" option.

  1. Shipping

  • Shipping Zone: Shipping Zone is based on the country and its zip code 

Lightshot screenshot

  • Shipping Service

Here in the Shipping service, we have to provide some details such as Name Groups, Service, Description about the Shipping service of our products and also the URL 



  • Shipping Group

  Here in the Shipping service, we have to provide some details such as Name, Description of the Shipping service of our products and also the shipping zone id  and Available options

Kindly Note: The shipping charge in the product will not be added in sales it will show in the dashboard.

Tax Method: As the products have tax, we have an option to add the tax for the products. Here we have provides two types of Tax configuration they are 

Tax Type Configuration: Here we have to configure which Tax Type For Eg: Here we have configured the Taxjar Configuration and Avalara Configuration then we have set a default option where we can customize the tax according to our requirement

Tax Group Configuration





Admin can configure the discount based on user roles, Quantity, Rates (in % and$), discount available period, And for which type of purchase subscription-only OR product only OR both. Only one discount will be taken according to the quantity.

Combo Package

An already added product with a specific quantity can be configured as a compo package. The compo item will be visible for users in the product detail page, order details.

Note: there is no stock management for this compo pack, it’s considered as one item.


 We can give a title and description for the fee as we wanted.

The amount of the fee is configurable.

The fee can be applied for ONE TIME or WITH EVERY PURCHASE.

It can be also configured based on ORDER type like commerce, enrollment, upgrade, etc &  based on individual PRODUCTS.According to this configuration, products may have fees.